Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Firefly? What?

Since yesterdays post ended up being quite depressing to a great deal of people I am just going to have some fun with Blogger today. A lot of my posts will probably just be fun, quotes I like, ranting about my day, going off about how much I love crime shows.. You know, just being me. Today is the one and only Firefly...

^Bahaha, I'm not sure if you want to read all of this random stuff you probably won't understand... I'm not even sure if it will be large enough to read or not.. But.. I'm posting it anyways because if you do in fact know what this is talking about, lets be best friends. Thanks.

^Oh boy, "Life Lessons"? This can't be good. Well.. Never mind, just no.  

 ^Intimidating, no?

^I think that was a rhetorical question, Simon...

^Sorry, but it's true. It's never River's fault. It was probably Jayne's.

^Last but most definitely not least, my current laptop background. Oh Simon, this was one of your best moments, for sure. It was great. What a charmer, eh?

This is Sarah-Mae Schuette, signing off.

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