Sunday, August 28, 2011

Doctor Who - Observations

The Eye-Patch Lady:
I don't think the important question is who the Eye-Patch lady is. I think the far more important question is why Amy can see her.
So, the scene where Amy is in the little girls room, looking at a picture of herself, ends up in a room with the little girl astronaut Time Lord and some Silents. Cut scene. Canton is standing outside a locked door.
Okay so, did the Silence lock the door before or after they took Amy? I saw them shutting the door to keep Amy in and Canton out, but then how did the Silence and the little girl get out? What’s the point of shutting and locking the door after you’ve taken Amy? A diversion? How do the Silence travel from one place to another?
There are several interestingly-placed mirrors in a few shots.
Example: In the bathroom where Amy encounters the Silent, and the little girl’s bedroom when Amy encounters the little girl.
Both times there are super weird scene angles, and much like the scene in Amy’s house where an off-center camera angle shows us the mysterious stairs to the third level, these weird scene angels show us mirrors....
What if the Silence travel through mirrors like the Siren in Curse of the Black Pearl?

A mirror/reflection can act as a portal between worlds, right? This makes some people positive, that because the lake in Impossible Astronaut was reflective, the astronaut came from another universe. I don't think so. There are WAY too many loop-holes for this theory, my one major turn off from this is that a mirror is still; unmoving. The lake was CLEARLY in motion, meaning NOT STILL.

Amy's house/Amy:
Amy’s house is bigger on the inside. When little Amy and The Doctor are outside her room in The Eleventh Hour episode, I can plainly see a staircase leading to a third floor. However, Amy’s house as seen from the outside, only has two floors. The staircase that leads up to the suspicious third floor is identical to the staircase in The Lodger? But Amy’s house is the opposite from The Lodger, I think. In The Lodger, we know the staircase leads up to an abandoned time engine. A perception filter made everyone think there was an upper floor. Amy’s house, on the other hand, is masking an upper floor. Why is there a difference???
If we assume that identical stairs in both places lead to the same thing, I think it’s because the time engine in Amy’s house is actually functioning and is cloaking itself. Yup, Amy’s house has a functioning TARDIS above it.
Her house is bigger on the inside, after all.

So who is piloting that time engine? Probably The Silence. Some people think that The Silence cannot pilot time engines, I disagree, for now at least. When Amy is kidnapped we are taken to the time engine. What do we see? A bunch of Silents clearly using the time engine.
We assume that the time engine was the same one we saw in The Impossible Astronaut. Many people also assume it was stationary. But, if I’m right, and The Silence can pilot those time engines, then it is entirely possible they were actually flying it when The Doctor, River, and Rory boarded. What else would they be doing standing around the time engine with their hands/whatevertheirequivalenttohandsare on the control ball thingies?
If this is true, then I think the next logical step is that the time engine in The Lodger is the same one we see in Day of the Moon for several reasons:
1) If they are indeed flying it, and River performs her epicness, the time engine is going to crash. We know that there is a crashed time engine in The Lodger. A coincidence probably too big to ignore.
2) The Doctor tells us that he saw one similar to this one (alluding to The Lodger) but it was abandoned. THEN he says we are going to find out why. Alluding to the Silence that were in it dying. Either it’s these exact Silents, or other ones.
This either means it’s because it’s the actual time engine that is going to crash or it’s because The Silence using the time engine are all killed or run away after he shows the moon landing video. Either way, the TARDIS in The Lodger is not functioning.
But this does not mean the TARDIS above Amy’s house is also non-functioning. And it could very well be The Silence.

If there were a functioning TARDIS inside of Amy’s home, I have a feeling that the Doctor would know about it. Time Lords and TARDISes are connected , even if it’s not their TARDIS personally. Time Lords have additional senses that humans don’t: they have a sense for time (meaning they can tell exactly what time it is no matter where they go and they can tell how much time has elapsed for them personally; they can also predict with a certain amount of accuracy how a timeline will play out), and they also have a psychic sense where they can attune themselves to the thoughts or feelings of others and they can also see vaguely into the future (sometimes they are shown to know a great deal about what happens in the future based solely on the combination of their time and psychic senses, plus whatever personal knowledge they have of future events from being a time traveler).
TARDISes are similar—Time Lords connect with them in a psychic link and since I believe we’ve been shown that a TARDIS starts out as a living thing, it has a sentience in its own alien way and it has a sense for time as well. The Doctor would have been able to sense the presence of another being with time and psychic senses as strong as that, and he would definitely feel that there was a strong link to the time vortex nearby.
The Doctor would be able to sense that kind of thing. Two things: he was off that day, after all, he didn’t notice the perception filter over the door Prisoner Zero was in at first. There is a chance that because he was still regenerating, he didn’t have his fully equipped Time Lord ability. Also, he may not be able to tell what it is because it’s not made by the Time Lords?
The better explanation is that he did notice and that is why he was so keen on having Amy come with him. Even as a little girl, he wanted her to come along. It’s possible he knew something was up there and he wanted to get her away from it, whatever it is. Or perhaps he is investigating whatever it is by bringing Amy along. I wouldn't  put it past him, ever. He most certainly noticed the stairs. I guarantee it, 100%.

Amy calls The Doctor her best friend. I wouldn't find this weird except she was not quite sure whether she could call The Doctor a friend when she was talking to Canton in The Impossible Astronaut episode... But this could and probably is nothing. I just over think things.


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